A New Food For Life

Supra Foods™ is consumer product + innovation company focused on converging science with nature.

20G Protein

Clean Ingredients

Zero Added Sugar

Elemental Formulations


Supra Foods™ Elemental Formulations are clean-ingredient focused nutritional supplements designed to promote optimal health and well-being.

Whether used as a meal replacement, or nutrient-dense supplemental enhancement,

Elemental Formulations will provide life changing benefits to individuals, healthcare providers,hospital groups, and governments around the world.

Elemental Nutrition refers to complete nutrition broken down into its most basic form — providing the body with only what it needs without fillers, irritants, or common inflammation promoting substances.

Micronutrient dense using only the highest quality and most bioavailable forms of vitamins and minerals. Available in various macronutrient profiles, such as Balanced and Zero Carb to suit the dietary and health requirements of a broad range of the population.

Scientifically Formulated.

Complete Nutrition.

  • Low FODMAP

  • Zero Sugar

  • Elemental Nutrition

  • Easily Digested

  • Nutrient Dense

  • Contains Prebiotics

  • No fillers, artificial colors, or artificial flavors