Privacy Policy


SUPRA Foods, LLC. (SUPRA) owns this website and supports your right to privacy. SUPRA recognizes that users of our website are concerned about the information provided us and how we treat that information. This policy explains how SUPRA intends to handle any personally identifying information you provide to us through the website.

SUPRA may collect both personal information and non-personal information. Personal information relates to an individual consumer or business contact. SUPRA may collect personal information if you purchase any products or other goods through this website. When you visit our website, we will automatically collect non-personal information and combine it with similar information collected about all other visitors to the website. From the collection of this information, SUPRA learns how best to develop the website to best serve our customers and visitors.

Only non-personal information is collected from people who visit this website. Users who purchase items through the website and use other aspects may be required to disclose information. Without this personal information, we would be unable to respond to your inquiries, purchase orders, requests and the like.

In addition, SUPRA may retain other companies to perform services on its behalf, such as operating certain aspects of the website, sending you email or providing advertising or delivery services. These other companies may be supplied with or have access to your personal information for the purpose of providing these services to us on our behalf. These third parties may also collect and use non-personal information about your visit to the website in order to send you information on our products. SUPRA does not collect personal information of a user’s online activities over time and across different websites.

Our website will use “cookie” technology from time to time. Cookies can enhance your online experience while visiting the website. The cookies used by this website do not collect any personal information. When you visit this website, a “cookie” may be placed on your computer. Temporary or permanent cookies may also be stored on your computer. This lets us know whether you have visited our website before or if you are a new visitor. It may also give us other non-personal information so SUPRA will be able to enhance your website experience. If you do not wish to have cookies, your browser’s toolbar may let you know how to prevent accepting new cookies and how to delete cookies once they have been placed on your computer. Another tool that may be employed by our website is a web beacon, which is an Internet tool that helps us determine various types of non-personal information. Web beacons may be used to determine, for example, how many of the emails sent were actually opened.

Users of this website may occasionally be offered to participate in surveys, contests, or opinion polls. These types of matters help SUPRA understand the desires of our customers. Answers could possibly include some of your personal information. Information collected from such activities will be subject to the same protection as the information SUPRA collects from its users generally.

If you purchase items or other merchandise through our website, SUPRA uses your personal information to set up your account and process your order. If you enter into other activities on this website, SUPRA uses your personal information for these purposes. If you email SUPRA, we may contact you. You may receive SUPRA marketing and promotional materials and we may respond to your inquiries and SUPRA may contact you during the course of processing a product you requested through our website. Further, we may use your personal information to improve our marketing and promotional efforts as part of website usage analysis or to improve the features of this website. SUPRA does not collect personal information on an automatic basis.

Under our Policy, SUPRA does not intend the site to be used by children under 13 years of age, nor is personal information intended to be collected relative to them. If any contests or promotions on this website are open to children, be sure to check the official rules to determine our practices for privacy in those instances. For children under 18 years of age, please seek your parent’s permission and help before ordering anything from this website and/or providing any personal information. SUPRA notes that parents or guardians of children may review any information provided to SUPRA. The parent or guardian may request SUPRA to delete their child’s information after verification to SUPRA of their status as parent or guardian.

The SUPRA website or social networking pages may contain links to third party websites. These websites have separate data collection and privacy policies unrelated to SUPRA. SUPRA is not responsible for any third party’s policies or activities. These other websites may collect and store your personal information. Please review such third parties’ privacy policies, as they may be important that you understand these policies and any impact on your rights.

SUPRA does not sell or rent your personal information to any third party. SUPRA, in the course of its business, uses third-party companies and individuals to perform various tasks, such as, financial institutions that assist with credit card transactions and companies transmitting product. These third parties may have access to information, both personal and non-personal, that is collected through this website. However, all such third-party service providers are prohibited from using any such information to which they are granted access for any purpose other than for which they were selected to work for SUPRA. In addition, we may disclose information required pursuant to a court order, subpoena or as otherwise required by law.

From time to time SUPRA may change its privacy policies. We post updates on our website. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy from time to time as we may modify the same.

Contact Us If You Have Questions
If you have questions or comments about this website, please contact us through the contact information below.


©2020 SUPRA Foods, LLC. All rights reserved.